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Virginia, USA welcomes a Lingh Foal !

“It’s a great day in Virginia !”

Lingh foal from mare Concertina born in Virginia


Concertina foaled a bay filly that we’ve named Legata this morning at 7:30am! She did a great job with no problems whatsoever, and the filly was up and doing beautifully in just minutes – the first time I’ve gotten to witness a birth – so overjoyed for both of them to be healthy and thriving! Legata, means “smooth, connected movement” in musical lingo, so it’s a nice tie to both momma Concertina and daddy Lingh! She is so leggy that a nickname will be quite simple (smile), and I have no earthly idea where the strange blaze/star came from!

It's a dream......Congratulations Renee!!


Details to follow !