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Polo in Northern Michigan – Let the Games begin !!

The Bliss Michigan Polo Fields are in top shape. They have been fertilized twice and mown down. It has been very dry but the irrigation has been running.

Let the games begin! Sunday the 1st of July. They will have all four teams play at 1PM and 3PM in the USPA 8 Goal Players Cup. In addition to Sunday, polo will played Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday July 8th. Call and check the schedule at the Bliss Store for accuracy.

Some of the players included this year…Justin Pimsner, Dinwiddie Lampton, Mason Lampton, and Polo Baez. Mark Sedacca, our Governor, will substitute. “We are old and devious so beware.” So says Mason Lampton.

Steve Van Andel will captain his team with Chris Stratemann, Paul Wheaton, and players TBA. They make up a tough team from Ada, Michigan

Scott Devon has Brandon Phillips, Patrick Smith, and players TBA.

The second major tournament should start on the 29th of July through August 5. This second tournament is not a USPA sanctioned tournament but that allows Toronto to come join in if they desire. With them they will have six teams.

What a summer it will be !  Brek-n-Ridge Students will be there to cheer on the players!

Check the Face Book page for Bliss Polo for accurate play times or call the Bliss Store.