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a nice story from a Lingh fan, owner of Lotza Lingh…..the beginning!

I am back to work at my computer after a long overdue trip and a crazy busy summer of teaching riding at Brek-n-Ridge Farm. For months I hardly ever wrote on the computer, never seeming to have enough time.  It’s quiet now, the students have returned home and our days now are more our own, our schedules are free to work and dream ….I found this story on my old computer and hope you enjoy all the Lingh stories I will be posting in the coming weeks – we have lots of news!

Hi, Karin. 

I have been wanting to write to you about how things are going with Lucy (Lotza Lingh).  I am on “a bit of a high”  after my second solo ride on Lucy (without someone on the ground to assist me) and just had to share it with you. AND ALL OUR LINGH FANS !!!  😉

At my age, I really thought my “horse-breaking” days were over.  I have started many young horses over the years, but my last one was in 2002.  I was 41 and I really figured it was best left to younger trainers in the future.  

Then came Lucy.  I had picked out another trainer that I would send her to this fall to get her started, but I was doing all the initial ground work with her, and her sensible attitude continued to impress me. 

Once I had all the ground work accomplished (longeing, wearing the tack, and a bit of line-driving), I decided Polly Yeago – Lucy’s co-owner and I could just continue the I put the outside  trainer on hold and here I am, at 50, starting another 3 year old.  Never say never, right?  If it wasn’t for the fact that Lucy has clearly shown a great mind and disposition from the beginning, I wouldn’t have felt confident enough to do this.  

As you know, she is marked much like her dad and her movement is quite nice.  I’m hoping her name (Lotza Lingh) is prophetic!  She already feels great to ride at the moment at only a week under saddle.  We’ll be taking it as it comes and I will keep you posted, but I can tell you one thing..she is without a doubt one of the sweetest natured horses I have worked with.  And even at this early stage, I can feel how balanced she is..even while in a typical 3 yr. old growth spurt.  Her mother, Winsome Rose, was a balanced and athletic mare, so I have high hopes given that Lingh is her sire!

I”m enclosing a random head shot that Polly managed to take of her one day in the pasture, but her pasture buddy, an old mare that sticks to her like glue, is in the background. I need  to learn how to use photoshop.  Her name “Lotza Lingh” seems well-suited. eh?   I’m also including another shot of her body, but it is not really good enough to publish, I just wanted you to see it. She had dropped some weight just before this photo, and was more filled out in the rear before.  She seems to be in a growth spurt.   I will try to get some really good shots of her for Lingh’s page.

Feel free to edit this to put on Lingh’s website. I hope you are well and I look forward to sending you more news of progress in the future.


Jennifer MitchellI 

Thanks Jennifer, we look forward to more news ! Best Regards, Karin